Summer is here. And so are the summer stoles and scarves. Head wraps and neck wraps are an everyday sight for the season. And there's nothing official about it. Before you reach out to your summer stoles and scarves collection, it is important to be well versed with the different styles to tie it ? But is reading a tutorial boring? Well, in that case have a good look at the following celebrity images that display in a great variety and detail, different ways of wrapping stoles and scarves both. Hot celebrities have been choosing cool colors in stoles and sporting them irrespective of the gender.
Jessica Alba has revived the trend of stoles in a big way. She usually wears simple, earthy colors in a number of different fashions. Following in her footsteps many other models, celebrities and Hollywood stars have adopted a stole(n) styles in their wears. So let's check out some awesome images of the celebrity circuit's stoles and scarves & their scarf wrapping styles. Read more.

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