Sunday, April 8, 2012

Honda Diesel Brio Coming Soon..!

Honda developing a diesel engine is definitely a big new in the automotive world. Whats good news is Honda has announced that a 1.6L diesel engine has already been developed under the banner ‘EarthDreams’ and will soon find its place under the hood of Civic and probably City. Honda has also mentioned that a smaller diesel engine is underdevelopment and will come only by next year.

     Honda is a pioneer in petrol engine manufacturing, but being relatively new player in sub 2L diesel, it is surprising to know that the 1.6L ‘EarthDreams’ diesel produces 120 Bhp of power with high fuel efficiency and low carbon emissions. Who better than Honda know about environmental friendliness as its iVTEC petrol engine is already E10 complaint.

Having lost its No. 1 position in mid-sized sedan segment to the new comer Volkswagen, Honda will not take any chance for its small cars Brio and Jazz. India being a main market for Honda and the magnitude of diesel car sold here will definitely make Honda launch a diesel Brio and Jazz to stay in the completion. According to some sources, Honda is developing a 1.2 L 4 cylinder 80-90 Bhp diesel for Brio and Jazz. But we feel Honda will cut down one cylinder from its 1.6L ‘EarthDreams’ and make a 3 cylinder one to cut down cost. A 3 cylinder diesel with 80 Bhp would be sufficient to power any Honda vehicles which have performance as its main strength.


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