Skoda Auto India introduced the Fabia Scout variant to the Fabia model line. The all new Fabia Scout will start at Rs 6.79 lakhs ex showroom Delhi and will allow greater extension to the very dynamic Fabia product range. While extending the model line, Skoda has retained its value for money proposition and class leading values in safety, comfort and efficiency.
Customers looking for a unique proposition will favour the new Skoda Fabia Scout for its distinctly individual look and rugged urban appeal. It will be aimed at urban, self-driven individuals who are evolved and informed consumers.
Unique in segment features:
Customers looking for a unique proposition will favour the new Skoda Fabia Scout for its distinctly individual look and rugged urban appeal. It will be aimed at urban, self-driven individuals who are evolved and informed consumers.
Unique in segment features:
- Projector headlamps
- Front bumper with spoiler
- Rear bumper with diffuser
- Peripheral protective cladding
- Front and rear door sill trims
- Stainless steel pedal set
The Fabia Scout firmly establishes itself as a benchmark for spacious interiors, quality materials and value proposition. Visually, it differentiates itself from any other hatchback with substantial peripheral body cladding and bumper spoiler & diffuser. Both of which, convey solidity of purpose, the ability to stand out and above conventional designs.
Projector headlamps and a stainless steel pedal set further reinforce the distinct elements that set the new Skoda Fabia Scout apart, while the small leather package builds upon the appraised quality of the Skoda Fabia.
Other high level equipment – such as dual airbags, integrated audio player, power windows, remote locking, tinted glasses are also fitted to this version. The Fabia Scout is an extension of the successful new Skoda Fabia with a distinct, tough and sporty offering to the customers from the Skoda Family.
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